This is the official website of
Sunil Kumar Aggarwal, MD, PhD, FAAPMR
Physician-Scientist and Medical Geographer
I'm interested in the scientific study of Cannabis hemp flowers and its implications for health and society. The phenomenon of cannabinergy, an essential cell-to-cell signalling system found throughout the human body, was discovered through the integrative bioscientific study of Cannabis.
What's New?
6-12-22: I started a new blog here
10-15-18: I started a new clinic and research institute with Dr. Leanna Standish. We are called the AIMS Institute, which stands for the Advanced Integrative Medical Science Institute. Check us out at AIMSInstitute.net
Published Paper:Commentary- Use of cannabinoids in cancer care: palliative care. Current Oncology (2016)
My 10 min talk at the 2016 Vancouver Cannabis Conference--
My backstage interview with Gregory Frye at the Jan 2016 Cannabis Health Summit, Pleasanton, CA. Some questions posed: Why don’t more people know about the endocannabinoid system? / Is it true that cannabis treats certain types of cancer? / What are your thoughts on cannabis reform?--
Please see cannabishealthsummit.com/bonus for complete summit.
My opening talk at the Jan 2016 Cannabis Health Summit, Pleasanton, CA. --
Cannabinoid Integrative Health 101. Full text of remarks here.
Please see cannabishealthsummit.com/bonus for complete summit.
View 2014 Hooked: Illegal Drugs Marijuana -- Aired on H2: History Channel.
Research Findings on Medical Cannabis on Howcast
View Research Findings on Medical Marijuana on Howcast
To Contact Dr. Aggarwal
I would love to hear from you! Please email me at
sunila at uw dot edu